Episode 37 – Getting Through The Holidays

The holiday season has finally arrived which, for many of us, is a happy time of good tidings and cheer. But this time of year also means extra stress, chaos and a feeling overwhelm that can bring out the ‘bah humbug’ in even the happiest among us. This week, we discuss tips and tricks for not only getting through the holidays but how to enjoy yourself in the process.

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Email: @info@thatswhatswesaidpodcast.com

Episode 36 – Perfectionism

You may think that being a perfectionist would naturally lead to a perfect life. In reality, perfectionism is a trap that often prevents us from getting things done and reaching our goals. What can you do to overcome perfectionism? Listen in to find out if you’re a perfectionist and for some insight on how we’ve dealt with our own perfectionistic tendencies.

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Email:  info@thatswhatswesaidpodcast.com

Episode 35 – Can Weight Gain Affect Your Relationship?

In any happy relationship, it’s expected that the couple accepts one another unconditionally. But when one partner gains weight it seems that acceptance is a little harder to find. In this episode, we discuss how weight gain can negatively impact your relationship and what you should or shouldn’t do if you find yourself on either side of that predicament.

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Email:  info@thatswhatswesaidpodcast.com


Episode 34 – Handling Change

It’s been said that the only thing constant in life is change. So what do you do when faced with a big change in your life? Do you throw in the towel and let it happen to you? Or do you face it head-on and refuse to be a victim of it? In this episode, we talk about how we’ve dealt with changes that have occurred in our lives and share tips for how you can overcome them in yours.

Get in touch!

Website:  http://www.thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com/

Email:  info@thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com

Episode 33 – Friendship Expectations

Are you the kind of person who holds your friends to a high set of criteria that they have to meet? Do you ever find yourself feeling frustrated or disappointed when your friends don’t meet that criteria? This week, we discuss friendship expectations and why it’s probably best to expect from people what they’re likely to give you.

Get in touch!

Website:  http://www.thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com/

Email:  info@thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com