Episode 41 – How Open Should You Be On Social Media?

If you’re not afraid of baring your personal issues or opening up about your feelings on social media, you may not realize that you’re being too open. If you’re posting a lot of details about your life in an effort to be closer to your followers, you may be doing the exact opposite. In this episode, we discuss our social media comfort zones and why we share (or don’t share) the things that we do.

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Email: info@thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com

Episode 40 – Sensitivity

Growing up we learned how to take a joke but it seems that even harmless jokes are no longer accepted or allowed. More and more frequently there are individuals and organizations apologizing for something they said that happened to offend someone. Has our society become overly sensitive? In this episode we discuss political correctness and how people have become more sensitive because of it.

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Email: info@thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com

Episode 39 – Bullying

Have you ever bullied someone? Or have you ever found yourself the target of bullying? Bullying has become rampant in our society and goes beyond age. It can happen anywhere: at school, at work, in your neighborhood, even online. In this episode, we talk about our experiences with bullying and remind everyone that bullying is never ok or acceptable.

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Email: info@thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com

Episode 38 – Give But Don’t Get Taken

The holidays is a season for giving. Unfortunately, it’s also a season for the scammers and con-artists targeting people who are feeling the holiday spirit and are probably too busy to notice when they’re getting scammed. With this episode, we hope to spread more awareness of the punks out there who are trying to ruin your Christmas.

Get in touch!

Email: info@thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com