Episode 78: Changing the Narrative on Aging

In this episode, Rajiv Satyal and I discuss the perception of age in our community. In many South Asian cultures, there is a stigma associated with aging, and older individuals are often marginalized or overlooked in society. We need to address this problem, and I believe that by changing the narrative around age, we can create a more inclusive and compassionate community for everyone. It is time to change the narrative on aging! We must stop viewing age as a mere number and instead embrace it as a unique and transformative phase of life. Today, we look and feel younger than ever, and there is no reason to let age hold us back.

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Episode 35 – Can Weight Gain Affect Your Relationship?

In any happy relationship, it’s expected that the couple accepts one another unconditionally. But when one partner gains weight it seems that acceptance is a little harder to find. In this episode, we discuss how weight gain can negatively impact your relationship and what you should or shouldn’t do if you find yourself on either side of that predicament.

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Email:  info@thatswhatswesaidpodcast.com


Episode 34 – Handling Change

It’s been said that the only thing constant in life is change. So what do you do when faced with a big change in your life? Do you throw in the towel and let it happen to you? Or do you face it head-on and refuse to be a victim of it? In this episode, we talk about how we’ve dealt with changes that have occurred in our lives and share tips for how you can overcome them in yours.

Get in touch!

Website:  http://www.thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com/

Email:  info@thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com

Episode 30 – Forgive and Forget

Deciding to forgive and forget when someone does you wrong is a big decision. Some people make the mistake of going straight to forgetting without fully forgiving. Others choose just to forget altogether. What would you do? This week we talk about ways to successfully forgive and forget.

Get in touch!

Website:  http://www.thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com/

Email:  info@thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com

Episode 27 – Cheating: Stay Out of That Kool-Aid

Let’s say you happen upon information that leads you to believe someone you know is cheating on their spouse/partner. Do you tell the spouse/partner or do you stay out of it? In this episode we discuss the difficulties surrounding infidelity and why we shouldn’t do it.

Get in touch!

Website:  http://www.thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com/

Email:  info@thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com

Episode 19 – When Marriage Changes A Friendship

Sometimes marriage causes you to drift apart from your single friends because you no longer share common interests. In this episode we talk about what both married and single people can do to prevent this from happening. 

Get in touch with us!

Email:  thatswhatwesaidpc@gmail.com

Instagram:  @thatswhatwesaidpc

Episode 16 – Love Languages

What is your love language? Listen in and find out how knowing your love language — and the love language of your significant other, family members and friends — can help you navigate your relationships better.

Find out what your love language is here.

Get in touch with us!

Email:  thatswhatwesaidpc@gmail.com

Instagram:  @thatswhatwesaidpc

Episode 10 – Peer Pressure

In this week’s episode, we talk about the different types of peer pressure that we’ve faced in our daily lives such as pressure to drink, pressure to get married and pressure to be a great mom.

Get in touch with us!

Email: thatswhatwesaidpc@gmail.com

Instagram: @thatswhatwesaidpc

Episode 6 – How Far Would You Go?

How far have you gone or would you go for family, work or love? This week, we talk about the different things we’ve done in these areas of our lives and whether or not it was too far or completely normal and expected.

Get in touch with us!

Email: thatswhatwesaidpc@gmail.com

Instagram: @thatswhatwesaidpc

Episode 5 – Marriage Is Hard But Worth It

In this week’s episode, we discuss the good, the bad and the ugly of marriage and ultimately agree that while marriage is hard, it’s definitely worth it.

Get in touch with us!

Email: thatswhatwesaidpc@gmail.com

Instagram: @thatswhatwesaidpc