Episode 78: Changing the Narrative on Aging

In this episode, Rajiv Satyal and I discuss the perception of age in our community. In many South Asian cultures, there is a stigma associated with aging, and older individuals are often marginalized or overlooked in society. We need to address this problem, and I believe that by changing the narrative around age, we can create a more inclusive and compassionate community for everyone. It is time to change the narrative on aging! We must stop viewing age as a mere number and instead embrace it as a unique and transformative phase of life. Today, we look and feel younger than ever, and there is no reason to let age hold us back.

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Episode 76: I Quit With No Plan!

As we get closer to leaving the pandemic behind us one thing remains the “Great Resignation”. During the pandemic, many of us were sheltered in place, which caused us to reevaluate our lives and ask questions such as “Am I happy”, “What changes should I make”, etc. In this episode, my guest Ritu Mahindru talks about her decision to quit her job for many years and find a new adventure. Tune in to listen to her path to the decision and her experience after taking the leap of faith.

Episode 75: Work Life, Mom Life

In today’s world, women are expected to do so much. The list goes on from having children, being a soccer mom, a chef in the kitchen, having a C-level job, or being an entrepreneur. In this episode, we talk to a famous IG mom, wife, and entrepreneur about how she can keep it all together, whilst having fun in life. Ami Rawal Desai talks to us about how she handles everything go gracefully and still be positive and happy at the end of the night.

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Episode 52 – Breaking Up With Someone You’re Not Dating

If you’re casually dating someone you’re not technically in a relationship with them, right? So what do you do when you realize you’re just not into them and you’re ready to break up? In this episode, we discuss different dating break-up scenarios and debate whether it’s ok to ghost. 

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Email: info@thatswhatswesaidpodcast.com

Episode 40 – Sensitivity

Growing up we learned how to take a joke but it seems that even harmless jokes are no longer accepted or allowed. More and more frequently there are individuals and organizations apologizing for something they said that happened to offend someone. Has our society become overly sensitive? In this episode we discuss political correctness and how people have become more sensitive because of it.

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Email: info@thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com

Episode 39 – Bullying

Have you ever bullied someone? Or have you ever found yourself the target of bullying? Bullying has become rampant in our society and goes beyond age. It can happen anywhere: at school, at work, in your neighborhood, even online. In this episode, we talk about our experiences with bullying and remind everyone that bullying is never ok or acceptable.

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Email: info@thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com

Episode 37 – Getting Through The Holidays

The holiday season has finally arrived which, for many of us, is a happy time of good tidings and cheer. But this time of year also means extra stress, chaos and a feeling overwhelm that can bring out the ‘bah humbug’ in even the happiest among us. This week, we discuss tips and tricks for not only getting through the holidays but how to enjoy yourself in the process.

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Email: @info@thatswhatswesaidpodcast.com

Episode 36 – Perfectionism

You may think that being a perfectionist would naturally lead to a perfect life. In reality, perfectionism is a trap that often prevents us from getting things done and reaching our goals. What can you do to overcome perfectionism? Listen in to find out if you’re a perfectionist and for some insight on how we’ve dealt with our own perfectionistic tendencies.

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Email:  info@thatswhatswesaidpodcast.com

Episode 35 – Can Weight Gain Affect Your Relationship?

In any happy relationship, it’s expected that the couple accepts one another unconditionally. But when one partner gains weight it seems that acceptance is a little harder to find. In this episode, we discuss how weight gain can negatively impact your relationship and what you should or shouldn’t do if you find yourself on either side of that predicament.

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Email:  info@thatswhatswesaidpodcast.com


Episode 34 – Handling Change

It’s been said that the only thing constant in life is change. So what do you do when faced with a big change in your life? Do you throw in the towel and let it happen to you? Or do you face it head-on and refuse to be a victim of it? In this episode, we talk about how we’ve dealt with changes that have occurred in our lives and share tips for how you can overcome them in yours.

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Website:  http://www.thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com/

Email:  info@thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com

Episode 33 – Friendship Expectations

Are you the kind of person who holds your friends to a high set of criteria that they have to meet? Do you ever find yourself feeling frustrated or disappointed when your friends don’t meet that criteria? This week, we discuss friendship expectations and why it’s probably best to expect from people what they’re likely to give you.

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Website:  http://www.thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com/

Email:  info@thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com

Episode 32 – Guilt Dating

Have you ever dated anyone because you felt sorry for them? Ever gone out with someone even when you knew you weren’t going to have fun? Then you have definitely guilt-dated.In this episode, we discuss reasons why dating out of guilt is a no-no.

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Website:  http://www.thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com/

Email:  info@thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com

Episode 31 – Comparison

Admit it. You’ve played the comparison game before. For some of us, it’s become second nature. In this episode, we talk about how comparison affects us and what we can do to overcome it.

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Website:  http://www.thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com/

Email:  thatswhatwesaidpc@gmail.com

Episode 30 – Forgive and Forget

Deciding to forgive and forget when someone does you wrong is a big decision. Some people make the mistake of going straight to forgetting without fully forgiving. Others choose just to forget altogether. What would you do? This week we talk about ways to successfully forgive and forget.

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Website:  http://www.thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com/

Email:  info@thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com

Episode 29 – Catfishing

Internet daters searching for love online have often resorted to catfishing — creating false identities for social media or online dating profiles. In the episode, we discuss the why’s of catfishing and how, if done correctly, could lead to success.

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Website: http://www.thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com/

Email:  info@thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com

Episode 28 – Handling Criticism

Everyone’s a critic and everyone always has an opinion to share. But we’re not always ready to hear it, are we? This week, we discuss how to handle harsh criticism and offer suggestions on how to dish it out.

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Website:  http://www.thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com/

Email:  info@thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com

Episode 27 – Cheating: Stay Out of That Kool-Aid

Let’s say you happen upon information that leads you to believe someone you know is cheating on their spouse/partner. Do you tell the spouse/partner or do you stay out of it? In this episode we discuss the difficulties surrounding infidelity and why we shouldn’t do it.

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Website:  http://www.thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com/

Email:  info@thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com

Episode 26 – Can You Remain Friends With An Ex?

Is it possible to be friends with an ex-flame? Or is it something best left alone? In this episode, we talk about scenarios where it’s ok to stay friends with a former romantic interest and when you should just let it go.

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Website:  http://www.thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com/

Email:  info@thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com

Episode 25 – Why Do People Gossip?

Have you ever gossiped about another person? Have you even been the topic of gossip? Most gossip is harmless and used as a means to start or maintain a conversation. But it can also be malicious. In this episode, we discuss ways you can avoid falling into the gossip trap.

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Website:  http://www.thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com/

Email:  thatswhatwesaidpc@gmail.com

Episode 23 – Walk Away From Violence

Walking away from a physical altercation is almost always the right thing to do. Defending yourself from physical harm is an appropriate reason to fight but protecting your ego is not. This week we discuss how avoiding a fight is the smartest and safest thing to do. 

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Website:  thatswhatwesaidpodcast.wordpress.com

Email:  thatswhatwesaidpc@gmail.com

Episode 20 – Random Thoughts

Seems like just yesterday that we started this podcast and here we are now at episode 20! This week, with no specific topic in mind, we take a look back at our podcast journey up to this point.

Get in touch with us!

Email:  thatswhatwesaidpc@gmail.com

Instagram:  @thatswhatwesaidpc

Episode 19 – When Marriage Changes A Friendship

Sometimes marriage causes you to drift apart from your single friends because you no longer share common interests. In this episode we talk about what both married and single people can do to prevent this from happening. 

Get in touch with us!

Email:  thatswhatwesaidpc@gmail.com

Instagram:  @thatswhatwesaidpc

Episode 16 – Love Languages

What is your love language? Listen in and find out how knowing your love language — and the love language of your significant other, family members and friends — can help you navigate your relationships better.

Find out what your love language is here.

Get in touch with us!

Email:  thatswhatwesaidpc@gmail.com

Instagram:  @thatswhatwesaidpc

Episode 14 – Regrets

We all have felt regret at some point in our lives. Maybe we’ve learned from it. Maybe we still beat ourselves up over it. In this episode, we discuss the ways we’ve experienced regret in our lives and tips on how to move on from it.

Get in touch with us!

Email: thatswhatwesaidpc@gmail.com

Instagram: @thatswhatwesaidpc

Episode 11 – Texting Etiquette

We believe that texting in the new world has made us dumb and lazy. Would you agree? In this episode we discuss the ways in which our smartphones have made us dumb and what we can do to be better texters in today’s world.

Get in touch with us!

Email: thatswhatwesaidpc@gmail.com

Instagram: @thatswhatwesaidpc

Episode 10 – Peer Pressure

In this week’s episode, we talk about the different types of peer pressure that we’ve faced in our daily lives such as pressure to drink, pressure to get married and pressure to be a great mom.

Get in touch with us!

Email: thatswhatwesaidpc@gmail.com

Instagram: @thatswhatwesaidpc

Episode 7 – The Friend Zone

Have you ever had to friend zone anyone? Or been friend-zoned yourself? In this episode we review different tactics to avoid getting sent to that area by someone you’re interested in and offer different examples of what not to do when you find yourself as the friend zoner.

Get in touch with us!

Email: thatswhatwesaidpc@gmail.com

Instagram: @thatswhatwesaidpc

Episode 6 – How Far Would You Go?

How far have you gone or would you go for family, work or love? This week, we talk about the different things we’ve done in these areas of our lives and whether or not it was too far or completely normal and expected.

Get in touch with us!

Email: thatswhatwesaidpc@gmail.com

Instagram: @thatswhatwesaidpc

Episode 5 – Marriage Is Hard But Worth It

In this week’s episode, we discuss the good, the bad and the ugly of marriage and ultimately agree that while marriage is hard, it’s definitely worth it.

Get in touch with us!

Email: thatswhatwesaidpc@gmail.com

Instagram: @thatswhatwesaidpc

Episode 2 – Is Chivalry Dead?

In this episode we discuss whether chivalry is dead and if it is, should it remain dead? In this age of women’s rights and equality what should we do to make sure we all still treat each other with kindness and respect.

Get in touch with us!

Email: thatswhatwesaidpc@gmail.com

Instagram: @thatswhatwesaidpc