Episode 78: Changing the Narrative on Aging

In this episode, Rajiv Satyal and I discuss the perception of age in our community. In many South Asian cultures, there is a stigma associated with aging, and older individuals are often marginalized or overlooked in society. We need to address this problem, and I believe that by changing the narrative around age, we can create a more inclusive and compassionate community for everyone. It is time to change the narrative on aging! We must stop viewing age as a mere number and instead embrace it as a unique and transformative phase of life. Today, we look and feel younger than ever, and there is no reason to let age hold us back.

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Episode 77: Why So Scared?

In this episode, Suresh Chinapen and I delve into fear and explore why we tend to fear things beyond our control. Such fears include being alone, losing one’s job, experiencing sexual performance issues, etc. These fears can often leave us feeling paralyzed. We discuss practical strategies to overcome fear by focusing on what we can control, seeking support when needed, and how to work through these fears and regain a sense of empowerment.

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Episode 75: Work Life, Mom Life

In today’s world, women are expected to do so much. The list goes on from having children, being a soccer mom, a chef in the kitchen, having a C-level job, or being an entrepreneur. In this episode, we talk to a famous IG mom, wife, and entrepreneur about how she can keep it all together, whilst having fun in life. Ami Rawal Desai talks to us about how she handles everything go gracefully and still be positive and happy at the end of the night.

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Episode 74: The Reality of Plastic Surgery

Plastic Surgery today is as common as going to the dentist. It has become a new fad. But is it still considered a taboo in many cultures? Do we know the long-term and short-term effects of Surgery? In this Episode, Beverly Hills’ famous Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Karan Dhir, answers all the questions we have about Cosmetic Plastic Surgery. Tune in and hear his take on Surgery and why it’s so important to educate yourself on the procedures available to you.

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Episode 73: How Quarantine Has Made Us Intropective

It’s been almost a year, and we are far from normal. Have you thought about how you can improve and grow during these trying times? In this podcast, we talk about taking advantage of the shelter in place and thinking about all the things you wish you did when you had time. We talk to Dr. Anjali Rajpal, DMD, about her experience and how she was able to take an unusual situation to work in her favor. Please tune in to hear about her experiences!

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Episode 71- Breaking Up With Someone You Love

Have you ever had to breakup with someone you were still in love with? Do you listen to your heart or your brain? Breaking up is one of hardest thing you can do, but breaking up with someone you are still in love with is especially difficult. In this episode we discuss our experiences and what we did in the situation and how we pulled the trigger.

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Episode 70- The Dating Game

If you are or have been in the world of dating then you know the meaning of “The Game”. With technology advancing and other means of courting someone “The Game” has changed. In this episode we talk about the game and if we are just interested in winning or do we genuinely want to be with that person? Is it psychological or are we just bored? Listen and find out.

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Episode 68- Therapy The New Normal

Is going to therapy a taboo? Does it make you look crazy or ill, if you see a therapist? There are many reasons to go to therapy, such as to overcome fears or insecurities, cope with stress, make sense of past experiences, separate your true personality from the moods caused by your environment, identify triggers, improve relationships with family and friends and so much more. In this weeks episode we talk about how going to therapy is not only therapeutic, but it’s the new NORMAL.

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Episode 63- Outgrowing People

Have you ever wondered why we have less and less friends or people around us we get older. In this episode we talk about outgrowing friends and people we hangout with on daily bases. Are we changing for the good or are we isolating ourselves. Listen and find out more.

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Episode 61- Attachment Styles and Relationships

What’s your Attachment Style? In this episode we talk about the different types of attachment styles and how they can affect a relationship with friends and loved ones. Take the quiz to find out in the book “Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and how it Can Help You Find and Keep Love, by By Amir Levine, Rachel Heller.

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Episode 59- Being on a Pedestal

Dating is difficult as we all know, but it is worst when someone you are trying to get to know puts you on a pedestal. Today we talk about being on the pedestal and how it can make someone uncomfortable in the relationship. Being on the pedestal can be really intimidating and sometimes we lose the person we like because they don’t know how to meet the expectations.

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Episode 57- Strength in Vulnerability

Have you ever found yourself avoiding certain situations that might emotionally expose you or leave you feeling rejected or unloved? This avoidance and fear of being vulnerable is often viewed as a sign of weakness. In this episode we discuss Brené Brown’s Netflix special, The Call to Courage, where she teaches that vulnerability is actually a sign of courage and bravery and how it can be the birthplace of love, belonging, joy courage, empathy, and creativity.

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Episode 56 – Filter Yourself

Want to be a better person? Maybe you can start with watching what you say. Language is powerful and words carry so much weight. In this episode we discuss how we all can do a better job with filtering what comes out of our mouths when we communicate. 

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Episode 55 – Phone Addiction

If you find yourself checking your phone constantly, you might have a phone addiction. If searching for your phone is the first thing you do when you wake up, you might have a phone addiction. If you feel helpless without your phone, you might have a phone addiction. In this week’s episode, we admit our own phone addictions and discuss digital detoxes.  

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Episode 54 – Love & Money

Love makes the world go around and money is power but putting them together can sometimes bring even the strongest of relationships down. This week, we talk about different love/money issues couples faces early on in their relationship as well as problems that come up after marriage. 

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Episode 52 – Breaking Up With Someone You’re Not Dating

If you’re casually dating someone you’re not technically in a relationship with them, right? So what do you do when you realize you’re just not into them and you’re ready to break up? In this episode, we discuss different dating break-up scenarios and debate whether it’s ok to ghost. 

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Episode 50 – Can Love Come Later?

Can true love be found in an arranged marriage? Is it possible to fall in love with a life partner chosen for you by your parents? Can love really come later? In this episode, we discuss our views on this topic and how an arranged marriage can sometimes be more successful than a love marriage. 

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Episode 48 – What If?

Are you focusing your life too much around what-ifs? What if I’m not good enough? What if I fail? What if I lose my job? What if I’m not happy? Sometimes we let the what-ifs paralyze us to the point of not being able to make any decisions. In this episode, we discuss our own personal what-ifs and what we can do to get past them. Maybe instead of asking “what if” we can ask ourselves “why not”?

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Episode 47 – Letting Go

Do you find it hard to let go of things? Personal belongings, relationships, grudges, the past; you name it, many of us have a hard time letting them go. This week, we talk about our own experiences with letting things go and how to break free from the things that hold us back. 

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Episode 44 – Insecurity: The Lies We’ve Been Told

We all have things we’re insecure about. Things we don’t like about ourselves, other peoples’ perception of us, and our relationships to name a few. These insecurities often come from then biggest lies we’ve been told. One way to get over your insecurity is to acknowledge the lies their based on then replace those lies with the truth. In this episode, we discuss our own experiences with insecurity and how we manage them.

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Episode 41 – How Open Should You Be On Social Media?

If you’re not afraid of baring your personal issues or opening up about your feelings on social media, you may not realize that you’re being too open. If you’re posting a lot of details about your life in an effort to be closer to your followers, you may be doing the exact opposite. In this episode, we discuss our social media comfort zones and why we share (or don’t share) the things that we do.

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