Episode 76: I Quit With No Plan!

As we get closer to leaving the pandemic behind us one thing remains the “Great Resignation”. During the pandemic, many of us were sheltered in place, which caused us to reevaluate our lives and ask questions such as “Am I happy”, “What changes should I make”, etc. In this episode, my guest Ritu Mahindru talks about her decision to quit her job for many years and find a new adventure. Tune in to listen to her path to the decision and her experience after taking the leap of faith.

Episode 36 – Perfectionism

You may think that being a perfectionist would naturally lead to a perfect life. In reality, perfectionism is a trap that often prevents us from getting things done and reaching our goals. What can you do to overcome perfectionism? Listen in to find out if you’re a perfectionist and for some insight on how we’ve dealt with our own perfectionistic tendencies.

Get in touch!

Email:  info@thatswhatswesaidpodcast.com

Episode 6 – How Far Would You Go?

How far have you gone or would you go for family, work or love? This week, we talk about the different things we’ve done in these areas of our lives and whether or not it was too far or completely normal and expected.

Get in touch with us!

Email: thatswhatwesaidpc@gmail.com

Instagram: @thatswhatwesaidpc