Episode 28 – Handling Criticism

Everyone’s a critic and everyone always has an opinion to share. But we’re not always ready to hear it, are we? This week, we discuss how to handle harsh criticism and offer suggestions on how to dish it out.

Get in touch!

Website:  http://www.thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com/

Email:  info@thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com

Episode 27 – Cheating: Stay Out of That Kool-Aid

Let’s say you happen upon information that leads you to believe someone you know is cheating on their spouse/partner. Do you tell the spouse/partner or do you stay out of it? In this episode we discuss the difficulties surrounding infidelity and why we shouldn’t do it.

Get in touch!

Website:  http://www.thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com/

Email:  info@thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com

Episode 26 – Can You Remain Friends With An Ex?

Is it possible to be friends with an ex-flame? Or is it something best left alone? In this episode, we talk about scenarios where it’s ok to stay friends with a former romantic interest and when you should just let it go.

Get in touch!

Website:  http://www.thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com/

Email:  info@thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com

Episode 25 – Why Do People Gossip?

Have you ever gossiped about another person? Have you even been the topic of gossip? Most gossip is harmless and used as a means to start or maintain a conversation. But it can also be malicious. In this episode, we discuss ways you can avoid falling into the gossip trap.

Get in touch!

Website:  http://www.thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com/

Email:  thatswhatwesaidpc@gmail.com

Episode 24 – Having An Opinion vs. Being Judgmental

Where is the line drawn between judging someone and just simply stating your opinion on a matter? Can you have an opinion without making a judgment? In this episode, we debate the difference between the two and how to avoid being too judgmental.

Get in touch!

Website:  http://www.thatswhatwesaidpodcast.com/

Email:  thatswhatwesaidpc@gmail.com

Episode 23 – Walk Away From Violence

Walking away from a physical altercation is almost always the right thing to do. Defending yourself from physical harm is an appropriate reason to fight but protecting your ego is not. This week we discuss how avoiding a fight is the smartest and safest thing to do. 

Get in touch!

Website:  thatswhatwesaidpodcast.wordpress.com

Email:  thatswhatwesaidpc@gmail.com

Episode 22 – Birth Order

The ideal number of children per family has been trending down to two and with this trend comes the inevitable demise of the Middle Child. In this episode, we discuss this trend, our own birth orders and how they influence who we are. 

Get in touch!

Website:  thatswhatwesaidpodcast.wordpress.com

Email:  thatswhatwesaidpc@gmail.com

Episode 20 – Random Thoughts

Seems like just yesterday that we started this podcast and here we are now at episode 20! This week, with no specific topic in mind, we take a look back at our podcast journey up to this point.

Get in touch with us!

Email:  thatswhatwesaidpc@gmail.com

Instagram:  @thatswhatwesaidpc

Episode 19 – When Marriage Changes A Friendship

Sometimes marriage causes you to drift apart from your single friends because you no longer share common interests. In this episode we talk about what both married and single people can do to prevent this from happening. 

Get in touch with us!

Email:  thatswhatwesaidpc@gmail.com

Instagram:  @thatswhatwesaidpc

Episode 17 – Are We Still In America?

We never intended on discussing politics when we launched this podcast. But with the current administration’s new zero tolerance policy of prosecuting illegal immigrants and separating them from their children we couldn’t help but voice our opinions on the matter.

Get in touch with us!

Email:  thatswhatwesaidpc@gmail.com

Instagram:  @thatswhatwesaidpc

Episode 16 – Love Languages

What is your love language? Listen in and find out how knowing your love language — and the love language of your significant other, family members and friends — can help you navigate your relationships better.

Find out what your love language is here.

Get in touch with us!

Email:  thatswhatwesaidpc@gmail.com

Instagram:  @thatswhatwesaidpc

Episode 15 – Are We Losing Our Culture?

Our country is a melting pot of people who vary in race, religion and culture. Many of us are immigrants whose parents came here chasing the American dream for their families. But does achieving that dream come at the cost of our cultures? This week, we discuss our personal experiences and views on saving our cultures for future generations to come. 

Get in touch with us!

Email: thatswhatwesaidpc@gmail.com

Instagram: @thatswhatwesaidpc

Episode 14 – Regrets

We all have felt regret at some point in our lives. Maybe we’ve learned from it. Maybe we still beat ourselves up over it. In this episode, we discuss the ways we’ve experienced regret in our lives and tips on how to move on from it.

Get in touch with us!

Email: thatswhatwesaidpc@gmail.com

Instagram: @thatswhatwesaidpc

Episode 11 – Texting Etiquette

We believe that texting in the new world has made us dumb and lazy. Would you agree? In this episode we discuss the ways in which our smartphones have made us dumb and what we can do to be better texters in today’s world.

Get in touch with us!

Email: thatswhatwesaidpc@gmail.com

Instagram: @thatswhatwesaidpc

Episode 10 – Peer Pressure

In this week’s episode, we talk about the different types of peer pressure that we’ve faced in our daily lives such as pressure to drink, pressure to get married and pressure to be a great mom.

Get in touch with us!

Email: thatswhatwesaidpc@gmail.com

Instagram: @thatswhatwesaidpc

Episode 9 – Weight Loss Obsession

We’ve all been there. Obsessing over our weight, yo-yo dieting, searching for the most effective way to shed some unwanted pounds. In this episode, we discuss our constant struggle with our weight and come to the realization that we already know the secret to weight loss.

Get in touch with us!

Email: thatswhatwesaidpc@gmail.com

Instagram: @thatswhatwesaidpc

Episode 7 – The Friend Zone

Have you ever had to friend zone anyone? Or been friend-zoned yourself? In this episode we review different tactics to avoid getting sent to that area by someone you’re interested in and offer different examples of what not to do when you find yourself as the friend zoner.

Get in touch with us!

Email: thatswhatwesaidpc@gmail.com

Instagram: @thatswhatwesaidpc

Episode 6 – How Far Would You Go?

How far have you gone or would you go for family, work or love? This week, we talk about the different things we’ve done in these areas of our lives and whether or not it was too far or completely normal and expected.

Get in touch with us!

Email: thatswhatwesaidpc@gmail.com

Instagram: @thatswhatwesaidpc

Episode 5 – Marriage Is Hard But Worth It

In this week’s episode, we discuss the good, the bad and the ugly of marriage and ultimately agree that while marriage is hard, it’s definitely worth it.

Get in touch with us!

Email: thatswhatwesaidpc@gmail.com

Instagram: @thatswhatwesaidpc

Episode 4 – Haters Gonna Hate

Haters are gonna hate and there’s not much you can do about it. But do you have the ability to weed out real hate from constructive criticism? This week we discuss being on both the giving and receiving end of hate and strategies for how to get through situations where you get less-than-postive feedback even from those closest to you. 

Get in touch with us!

Email: thatswhatwesaidpc@gmail.com

Instagram: @thatswhatwesaidpc

Episode 2 – Is Chivalry Dead?

In this episode we discuss whether chivalry is dead and if it is, should it remain dead? In this age of women’s rights and equality what should we do to make sure we all still treat each other with kindness and respect.

Get in touch with us!

Email: thatswhatwesaidpc@gmail.com

Instagram: @thatswhatwesaidpc

Episode 1 – Starting

We finally did it!

After months of talking about it and many rejected recordings, we are proud to finally share with you all Episode 1 of That’s What We Said — a podcast where we offer our insight on a variety of topics that touch our lives, and probably yours, on a daily basis.

We’re both excited and nervous and hope you’ll enjoy what we have to offer!

In this episode, we talk about what you can do to get started, whether it’s on your long list of to-do’s or taking the first step in the direction of your dreams.

Get in touch with us!

Email: thatswhatwesaidpc@gmail.com

Instagram: @thatswhatwesaidpc